A Snote is a Creative Form of Communication!

Write a message to a friend or secret crush – we disguise it in a Snote!

(Pronounced Snote...not S-snote!)

A Snote is a Secret Note!

NEW! Snotes Ecards!

Someone's birthday is coming soon!
Be the first to send a Snotes Birthday Ecard!

Send the only ecards with Snotes secret messages! Fun to send – intriguing to receive!

Special Introductory Pricing!
Just $2.99 for any Snotes Ecard!


What Can You Do With Snotes?

Send Animated Messages

Select from dozens of animations to present your secret message! Or choose a white or solid color background. Lots of other fun options to personalize your Snote.

Create Engaging Teaching Materials

We love teachers! Teachers love Snotes! Create fun engaging Quizzers. The most fun a kid can have with a pop quiz!

Make Intriguing Break-Out Game Clues

Select from dozens of animations to present your secret message! Or choose a white or solid color background. Lots of other fun options to personalize your Snote.

Snotes Quotes & Trivia Game

More intrigue! Some questions are as tricky as the answers – they're hidden in a Snote!

  • Pick your categories
  • Earn coins
  • Free bonus coins daily

Promote Your Business or Create Products


Any item that can be printed, engraved, embossed, stamped, embroidered, chiseled or carved with a message can have a Snote instead! A Snote is more decorative and intriguing than any ordinary message!

Snotes at a TEDx Event

TA DA! That instant when you first discover the secret message in a Snote. See what we witnessed at a TEDx event.